Book Free Consultation

Choosing someone to help you make rapid and lasting changes in your life is an important decision. I know because I worked with a hypnotherapist to do exactly that. I chose someone I trusted and felt comfortable with. I offer everyone a free consultation to see how I can help you make these changes just like I did, giving you the chance to make sure that you feel comfortable with me helping you to become the best, most confident version of you.

Free Pre-Performance Hypnosis Audio

I created this pre-performance hypnosis audio recording to turbo-charge my confidence before my own on-stage performances. Since using it I've made dramatic shifts in how I feel and perform. This works for any kind of performance, from musical performances, to performing in a sports environment to public speaking engagements. Download this free audio recording and give your performances a boost today!

Anxiety Relief Hypnosis Audio

Most of the people I work with choose to see me for help with either general anxiety, performance anxiety, or both. I was in exactly the same position when I sought help from a professional hypnotherapist. I made this recording for myself to listen to help in overcoming crippling anxiety, and now I give this to everyone I work with to help them do the same. Download this audio and listen daily to start making these changes today.

Hypnosis For Deep Sleep Program

Sleep issues stopped me from getting a good night's sleep for years, keeping me trapped in a cycle of anxiety. This program is a culmination of all the research I did to overcome this. It includes a deep sleep hypnosis audio recording, a 53 page eBook full of useful information on improving sleep health, a journal template and weekly and monthly sleep trackers to monitor your progress as your sleep health improves. Click the link to download today.

7 Day Anxiety Reset Challenge

Anxiety stopped me in my tracks for many years. If only I'd sought help earlier I would have been able to free myself from this so much sooner. Now I live an anxiety free, happy life. If you would like to learn some of the skills and techniques I was taught to overcome this, then sign up for this 7 Day Anxiety Reset Challenge. It's completely free, and will start you off on your journey today towards learning how to deal with anxiety just as I did.

Skirving Street, Shawlands, Glasgow, G41 3AJ | Phone: +44 7487 706877 | Email: [email protected]

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